The Grunewald Family

The Grunewald Family

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Happy 6th Birthday Max!

Happy 6th Birthday Max! Gosh, it seems crazy that we have a 6 year old at our house...time does really fly by! This year has been filled with lots of fun and GROWTH! Max is growing leaps and bounds...literally we buy him jeans or pajamas and he grows out of them in a month! But, we are so glad for his growth! Here he is blowing out his birthday candles at a party for his friends at our house. Here is our little man hanging with the ladies! Our sweet friends, Sydney, Audrey, Max, Ashlyn and Claire! These girls are all very sweet!

Here is Luke, Nathan, Max & Sutton! I love how Sutton adores Max's friends and wants to be a part of all they do!

We are blessed to have such wonderful family! Here is Max with Gigi...she drove 4 hours to be with us for his birthday!
Here is Sutton with his Gma...getting some good loving! Gma & Gpa drove a few hours as well!

Here is Gpa with Lukie! All of our kiddos got lots of loving from their grandparents! It's always so good to see them and share life together!

We took donuts to Max's class before we left town for Colorado. His teacher let him sit in a chair at the front of the room and all of the kids got to ask him questions about his favorite stuff. My favorite question was one child asked, "What is your favorite fruit?" Max assumed they meant fruit of the spirit, and he said, "Love". His teacher and I just looked at each other and smiled! He is a very sweet, thoughtful person. Greg and I were just wondering if he will be a minister someday...or maybe a man who has a passion for God's word. Either way is good with me!

My mom introduced this donut place to's so cool! So we just HAD to get donuts that spelled out his name! It was fun and I know at the end, Max felt special!


Molly said...

Yippee! I love the new pcture! You figured it out. Guess you've had some down time to work on it ;) My hotmail is not working well so I haven't been able to email you! Love the pictures of Max's birthday. Your family is precious and we miss you guys terribly! Call when you feel up to talking!

Brandi said...

Happy late birthday Max! I can't believe it has been almost 4 1/2 years since I met one of my most favorite little boys...I remember you signing as fast as you could for a drink, food or a toy. You were so cute and I fell in love with you and your family the moment I met you all. Knowing your family has helped me be a better sister, wife, daughter, and now a mom. Love you all more than you will ever know!

Becki Francy said...

Kind of shocking to look at that picture....I never realized how much Max looks like Laura until they were side by side smiling! I can't believe how big he is getting...

By the way - love the new header!

Chassidy said...

He is so handsome!! That new picture at the top is gorgeous!! It needs to be on the cover of Parent magazine or something!

WOW...I absolutely love his sweet answer to the favorite fruit question...what a awesome testimony to you and Greg's parenting.

Brklacich Family said...

I almost cried reading this. I so remember praying for Max when he was a baby and you guys were heading to Dallas. Now to see the little man he has become is absolutely God's amazing work.