The Grunewald Family

The Grunewald Family

Thursday, February 4, 2010

10 months old

Well, my baby is almost 10 months old...gosh I can't believe it! Luke is 19 pounds 5 ounces and I have no idea how long :) He is such a sweet baby, but changing more every day. He loves food, and wants to eat what we are eating. He is crawling everywhere and is a wiggle worm when you hold him. I love holding him, rocking him, and feeding him his bottles. When I feed him a bottle, he plays with my hair or touches my face...and it's such a sweet time :)

That brings up a funny story...the other day I got in the rocker to read Sutton a story and he told me to scoot over in the chair. I told him that I couldn't...and he told me that my bottom is too big! Well, he is right, but come on buddy!

I love this pic of Luke...the red spots on his face are from him rubbing his face...he was tired and you can see it in his eyes. I love the swirl in his hair...and you can't tell in this picture but his hair is turning curly! It's so cute.... And this picture made me laugh out loud! I love his teeth! So maybe he did get a few of my being BIG teeth! I love his dimples in his cheeks and his chin! Oh sweet boy, you are a treasure. We love you Lukie!!!


Molly said...

OMGoodness!!!! This post is hilarious! I love the story about Sus telling you your butt is too big. SO like a boy, huh? I LUV that pic of Luke. Oh my how he's grown since we've seen him. Not a shocker, but SUCH a HUNK! Look at those lips! He got his mommas lips too! Love that one of him smiling, priceless!

Miss you and THANKS for posting this. I was needing a Lukie fix! Give my Sadie baby kisses for me tomorrow, k?

Chassidy said...

He is absolutely gorgeous! THose big eyes!! I am so glad he's a little snuggle bug too. I love it when Turner plays with my hair!